Friday, April 8, 2011

For Keeps

Friday, April 8, 2011
Been mulling over the kind of rings we`re going to have for the wedding. I did not pay much attention to this before, having delegated the task of choosing the design and buying to the G. We just both agreed that the rings would be simple, but aside from that this is one part of the preps that has not been progressing as well as the others. I guess the procrastination basically comes from our being clueless about jewelry, considering that whatever decision we make over the final look and quality of what would be the symbols of our eternal love (ewww! that`s me grimacing after typing those words) has long-term consequences.

The rings should be hardy enough to withstand daily wear-and-tear (from detergents, sea water, acid substances, etc.); light enough so as not to distract us while doing tasks such as typing and writing; simple enough to escape the attention of snatchers and thieves, and conspicuous enough to ward off, I mean, show  people that G and B, for better or for worse, are indeed married. Another thing that I worry about is how I`d be able to keep such a thing for so long, when I have this habit of misplacing little stuff after I use them. Plus, what if we get fat soon..?!

Enough already with the "enough, enough"...see how one couple cleverly solved it:

Tattooed wedding bands: permanent, expandable and snatch-proof.


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